When planning for your financial future, understanding the difference between saving and investing is essential. Both have unique advantages, and knowing when to save and when to invest can help you achieve your financial goals.
Retirement is often described as life's longest holiday. Check out our articles, tips and guides to make sure your retirement pot lasts the distance.
When planning for your financial future, understanding the difference between saving and investing is essential
Get Help >Saving typically involves setting aside money in a secure, easily accessible place, such as a bank account. It’s ideal for short-term goals and emergencies.
A typical emergency fund should cover 3–6 months’ worth of essential living expenses. For instance, if your monthly expenses (housing, bills, groceries, etc.) total £2,500, aim to save between £7,500 and £15,000 as your emergency cushion.
Retirement is often described as life's longest holiday. Check out our articles, tips and guides to make sure your retirement pot lasts the distance.
Check out our articles, tips and guidesto make sure your retirement pot lasts thedistance.
Button TextInvesting involves putting your money into assets such as stocks, bonds, or property to achieve potential growth over the medium to long term. Investments carry risk but can offer higher returns compared to savings.
Your decision ultimately should depend on your financial goals, timeframe, and risk appetite.
Build a safety net. Before you start investing, ensure you have a solid emergency fund. This prevents you from having to dip into investments in case of unexpected expenses.
Once your short-term needs are covered, consider investing to grow your wealth. Investing in equity markets can be uncomfortable at first but failing to put your money to work could have costly repercussions.
This shows how investing, while riskier, can significantly increase your wealth over the long term.
Deciding whether to save or invest—and how much to allocate to each—can be complex. A financial adviser can provide tailored guidance to ensure your money works hard for you.
Review your income, expenses, and current savings to determine how much you can afford to invest without compromising your safety net.
Help you clarify your short- and long-term financial objectives, whether it’s buying a home, retiring early, or funding your children’s education.
Recommend investments that align with your risk tolerance and goals, ensuring a diversified portfolio for long-term success.
Track your financial progress and adapt your strategy as your circumstances or market conditions change.
Offer professional, unbiased advice to help you avoid common mistakes and feel confident in your financial choices.