It’s often hard to know whether or not you should take financial advice. We’ve built an easy to use calculator to show the value from having an adviser.
Retirement is often described as life's longest holiday. Check out our articles, tips and guides to make sure your retirement pot lasts the distance.
It’s often hard to know whether or not you should take financial advice. We’ve built an easy to use calculator to show the value from having an adviser.
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The calculator provided on this page is for illustrative purposes only, and any results it provides are hypothetical in nature and may not reflect future performance. The calculation used is a simple future value estimate of investments based on a constant return rate and a predefined period. The advised scenario assumes an annual 1% assets under management fee, which reduces the annual return by that amount. The calculator assumes taking advice improves returns by 3% before fees, this figure is based upon this vanguard study - Source: Putting a value on your value: Quantifying Vanguard Advisor’s Alpha, Vanguard, July 2022. Returns depicted in the visual are not associated with any advisor on the Trusted Advisor Network. The default 8% return is based on the average S&P 500 return rate of 10% between 1926 and 2022, adjusted for 2% inflation, resulting in a real return of 8%
Use our free calculator to find out whether you’re on track.
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Decide whether you want to become a client and let your adviser build the future you want.
Enjoy Peace of Mind knowing an adviser on average makes their clients up to 3% wealthier each year after fees.*
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